Deadfolk's Day

From Infictive

An Ancient and forgotten Holiday that is all the same celebrated by many today. Its history is lost to the forgetfulness of Man's time line. A form of Ancestor worship it seems. It falls on a unknown day between Christmas and Easter. A day of giving gifts to one's dead ancestors. Normally gifts tied to mailboxes and flapping in the wind by long merry red ribbons. The dead come in a great black vehicle. A great square box containing dead ancestors. The bass hum of the machine vibrates the bone marrow. The rule is all who are living most be asleep when the dead arrive for they're offerings. If the dead catch you awake you shall be taken away to the land of the dead. Not killed, but you must live the rest of your life in that cold dark place.

(See the edu-comic "Dead Folk's Day" for more information.)